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Training for Schools

9 Causes Training for Teaching Assistants, beginning 20th May

This training covers reading difficulties in the classroom and the strategies and activities to use to help readers.

Many of the children you support will find reading more difficult than the average child. And we recognise that every learner is unique in their needs. This is a five-week course that will help you understand why reading is challenging for these children and explore the solutions.

It will equip you with the tools and knowledge to be able to provide effective support for individuals and small group interventions.

Learning Outcomes

  • An understanding of the 9 causes of reading difficulty
  • The ability to apply the appropriate solution for each learner
  • Materials and strategies to support you in your work
  • On-going support and advice by email and telephone

If you work in any way with children who are falling behind with their reading, this course will be useful to you. You will quickly learn to recognise the main patterns and you will be able to suggest avenues of enquiry to deliver the help needed.

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Course Reservation Form

Course: The 9 Main Causes of Reading Difficulty

For: Teaching Assistants

Session Dates: 20th May, 27th May, 3rd June, 10th June, 17th June

Live Session Times: 2 - 2:30pm every Thursday

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