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Our Guarantee

Our Unconditional Guarantee

We offer an unconditional refund promise to anyone on the Easyread System. This kind of guarantee is unmatched by our competitors in the field. Here is our promise:

Our expectation is that you will have seen clear progress with your child’s ability to decode words after 90 lessons (though often before). If you feel that is not the case we will immediately halt your payments. Then, if we cannot fix the delayed progress together, in a week or two of extra support, you can ask for a full refund of your first 3 months of subscription, unconditionally.

Free trial

Of course, this is on top of our free trial for the first 10 lessons. So you can give the whole system a go with no financial risk at all. We can only offer such generous terms because people get good results! It is several years since we have been unable to fix a problem by working with the child to get to the bottom of things. That sort of dedicated and limitless support is what you are paying for.