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Earn a Secret Spy Diary: Are you an #OokwithaBook?

by Sarah Forrest || 11 July 2019

Do your kids love our spy-themed prizes? We are launching a new evergreen opportunity to win an awesome new prize, which is one of our best ever… a secret spy diary set, complete with padlock, invisible ink pens and torch keyring.

Our #OokwithaBook social media campaign is incredibly simple. All you have to do is tell us what you love about Easyread on social media, and we’ll send your child the extra prize!


Here are the 3 easy steps:

  1. Just take a picture of your Easyreader with a book.
  2. In your caption, write what you love about Easyread.
  3. Share your picture on Instagram or Facebook – or both! Be sure to tag us with @easyreadsystem and use the hashtag #ookwithabook. If your settings are private, we might not see the post, so just send us a message if you don’t hear back within a few days!

So you might write, “I love Easyread because I can feel reading getting easier! @easyreadsystem #ookwithabook”

Once we see your post, we will get in touch and send off a decoder ring, which you can see pictured above.

Why are we doing this?

Well, firstly, because we just love sending out prizes to our hard-working Easyread kids. You can see how much our prizemaster/Easyread Elf gets into it here.

And secondly, we want more struggling or beginner readers to find Easyread. We need your help to spread the word to the families who might need us!

Sarah Forrest is a Program Advisor for David Morgan Education and contributor at She joined DM Ed in Oxford, England after studying Spanish lit at Yale University. She now lives in the sunny south of the United States with her two children, where she coaches parents and children through trainertext visual phonics.