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Carter: Still struggling at age 10

The Backstory

Carter was still struggling to read and spell at age 10. It was all memorization of rules and he hated it. He was not a phonics learner and no matter how we persisted; Carter persisted greater, to avoid reading at all costs. They did everything in school; one on one, special ed, speech therapy. At home we tried games, apps, every online reading tool. That just made it worse, made him stressed and created a strong dislike of learning. We have always read together at home and that he was ok with. We got him to go to the library where he discovered his love for comic books. We tried to create a calm, stress-free environment around reading and just hoped that he would pick it up one day.

The Easyread Experience

Finally, we came across Easyread system. It seemed to be a whole new way of learning to read. The approach aligned with my beliefs on teaching kids and it was something different. So, as a last hope we decided we had nothing to lose and everything to gain for Carter. I loved the fact that we got to try 10 lessons for free and that no credit info was asked for during this “free” trial. That spoke volumes to me on what kind of company this was. I got to actually try it for free an make the conscious choice on whether or not to continue. In my mind that meant they genuinely cared and weren’t just trying to make a buck off of me.

At any rate, both I and Carter were hooked by the end of the first 10 lessons. It was fun, simple, an short. The lessons include a variety of games, which Carter loved. And each lesson was short enough that he didn’t get bored or frustrated, but he was still learning. From the beginning we noticed changes in Carter. He looked forward to lessons and would ask every morning to do them. His self confidence increased tremendously. He no longer avoided reading signs, labels, books. He wanted to read everything in sight. And he wasn’t scared or hesitant just because some words were more difficult than others.

The Result

He reads his comic books, therefore enjoying them more than he did before! Our relationship has become easier, less stressful. No more arguments or tears or frustrations from trying to learn. His spelling has just naturally gotten better as his vocabulary has been building. I can no longer spell words out loud that I don’t want him to know because he always catches me now!

Our entire family was impacted by Carter’s struggles with learning to read and now because of his success with the easyread system our family is lighter and laughs more. The easyread system truly is a blessing to our family. Carter continues to learn and expand his vocabulary and spelling improvements. It’s no longer a struggle though, it’s a challenge that Carter knows he can overcome. Thank you so much.