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Case Studies

Annabel: Guessing, muddling up small words – now reading fluently and confidently

Annabel: Guessing, muddling up small words – now reading fluently and confidently

We had a 7 year old daughter who had always enjoyed school, loved learning, devoured stories that were read to her and who was described by the learning professionals as “very bright”.  However we were noticing that she wasn’t at a reading level that seemed to match this – she guessed a lot of words and sometimes would read the story so it made perfect sense contextually but the words were not the same as on the page …

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Fia: She now reads in bed on her own.

Firstly the difference in Fia’s reading from when she started Easyread last summer is amazing. She struggled breaking words down and guessed them and she read in a very broken fashion. Not only does she now know how to break the words down but a lot of the time doesn’t even need to do that, she just reads them fluently, in fact some words I would not expect her to know she just reads with ease …

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Maria: Now reading the same books as her peers!

  Maria: Now reading the same books as her peers! The Backstory When Maria was struggling to learn to read in the conventional way at school I started to look for alternatives and stumbled across Easyread. I read lots of reviews and watched a video on YouTube. The...

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Máté is now reading on his own.

Máté is now reading on his own.

It was a huge relief, first of all, to actually find a method that seemed to offer a pain-free solution, not only to his reading difficulties but very likely also to his general learning problems. And of course, Máté was so happy to hear that from the moment we start the program, all he will have to do is play, and that, too, only for 15 minutes a day.

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Grangger: Discouragement and frustration are no longer a part of his reading.

My son has always struggled with reading, he could read smoothly if it was a level without difficult words but when challenging words would be presented in a text he would guess at the word and if wrong become very frustrated. Discouragement set in not only with his reading but it flowed into his writing and spelling as well. It seemed to me that there was something in his brain that just wasn’t connecting together like it had with my other children and their reading. 

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Matthew: from reading battles to reading success!

Reading practice before Easyread was a battle! He was aware that he wasn’t as good as classmates at literacy and lost confidence in himself. He was avoiding reading and spelling at home which made homework very challenging. He couldn’t seem to use the ‘phonics’ method of learning to read which was being used at school but was much better when using visual cues.

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Elizabeth now reads chapter books and enjoys reading

  Elizabeth now reads chapter books and enjoys reading The Backstory Before using the easyread system, Elizabeth was struggling to read picture books and did not read chapter books in 4th grade. She said she hated reading and that didn't consider herself a reader. I...

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Carter: Still struggling at age 10

Carter: Still struggling at age 10

Carter was still struggling to read and spell at age 10. It was all memorization of rules and he hated it. He was not a phonics learner and no matter how we persisted; Carter persisted greater, to avoid reading at all costs. They did everything in school; one on one, special ed, speech therapy. At home we tried games, apps, every online reading tool. That just made it worse, made him stressed and created a strong dislike of learning.

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Kayley: Reading anxiety and frustration

Kayley was struggling with her reading and would get anxious when it was time for her to read. She was reading below her age and became frustrated when she did not know a word.

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Alicia: From failed tutoring to Charlotte’s Web!

Easyread for Alicia has been a Godsend. Prior to coming across Easyread, Alicia had a private tutor and although she was lovely we could not see any improvement in her reading nor her spelling in the year she had her. We had raised our concerns with the school but they lacked the resources and knowledge to help Alicia. It was by luck that I came across Easyread

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