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What is DM Easyread Like?

What our parents say about Easyread:

It is child-focused and fun.

“This program is different as it is more child centred. Building confidence and fun is just as important as the learning.”

“I am hopeful. My biggest hope lies in the fact that she volunteers to do this and is excited about it. She is genuinely finding it fun. Also, she can remember the characters and their rhymes pretty easily. (Whereas with the Read Write Inc programme, some of the phonics rhymes will not stick).”

“It doesn’t feel like reading to him! It is much more engaging than I expected.”

“It’s short and to the point and since it’s games-based it’s really fun for her. Most reading programs try to make it fun but end up a little dull or too long! Not this.”

“Indy consistently enjoys this program. He lights up when I ask him if he wants to ‘play’ Easyread. He is entertained by the games, and the sound cues are really helping him sound out words.”

“I didn’t know what to expect, but have been very pleasantly surprised at how much my dyslexic 8 year old loves it. She is very eager to meet new characters and use them to build words!”

It is a different approach.

“It is a quick session which is fun, no pressure and focuses on decoding. Luca has done some decoding at speech therapy but this method is more visual-based with the characters assisting. Luca has actually been reading more since starting (after just a few days)… when I hear him reading on his own he still skips words but he is reading because he wants to and that is amazing!”

“We haven’t tried any other program previously, but have been trying to spend 30+ minutes per day with her reading aloud. She used to dread that time, but she asks to do her sessions and they seem easy for her so far and much more enjoyable comparatively. Also, the time commitment is much shorter which helps keep her interest.”

“It’s online which very much appeals to little boys like my son. The Trainertext identifies sounds but also lets my son see that you can have the same sound with different spellings, and no Trainertext at all for silent sounds.”

“It is very fun for him, and he asks to do it every day. We have tried down loading free apps on our phones, flashcards, and special help at school. But I think this program is actually going to work. His reading teacher noticed a difference in just the 10 days!”

It is full of personal, expert support for parents.

“I and Morrison both appreciate the humor and levity with which the lessons are presented and in the feedback given. Tremendously organized with timely feedback, guidance, and assistance for the parent.”

“I was initially concerned about the cost, but having weighed up how good the trial has been, the cost has now gone out of my head because learning to read for my son is what matters most. And I can see that the cost is for all the support I/we are getting from you guys.”

“This clearly was developed by someone who seemed to understand the challenges from personal experience.”

“Your description of my child and his struggles… it’s seems like finally someone understands my experience!”

“The voice of the guy who does the lessons in UK English is so nice and friendly! Really reassures me and my child.”

“I feel like I am not in this alone and that you are here to help and find ways that will improve Tanner’s reading and also help me motivate and keep things positive. I feel like I will not get frustrated with him learning to read.”

“Your interaction and responsiveness is GREAT.”