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Reading Help for 5-11 Year Old Reluctant Readers

Stop the guessing and reading stress for your child with a short, easy lesson each day

– David Morgan

Have you seen guessing or surprising errors with short, common words?

That is a pattern we see with lots of bright children and it is best to read about why you are seeing that. Then come back here to read about the solution we have developed.

After years of research we have created a new process that is a lot easier and much more fun for the children. You will see a new attitude from Day 1. Then you can expect to see a breakthrough in around 60 short sessions.

Easyread fits with the aims of the systems being used in most schools. So there are no worries about a conflict there.

Proof of routine success

There are three key things to consider:

1. Easyread is different to what you have already tried and I hope our explanations for the causes of difficulty make sense to you.

2. You can check the sort of reviews and testimonials we get every week.

3. We even guarantee a clear breakthrough for you in just 60-90 sessions:

My own struggles, as a child and as a parent!

I know how your child is feeling, because I experienced reading difficulty myself as a child. So congratulations for being a great parent. I mean that very sincerely, because:

1. You are one of the parents showing the determination and belief needed to find the right solution for your child.

2. I have been there as a parent too! Both my sons found early progress hard.

So this is not just a job for me. We really are mission-focused here.

Easyread and the school system

More and more schools around the world use Easyread now and you might be surprised to learn that many of the parents using our lessons at home are actually primary school teachers themselves.

The sooner any problem is fixed, the better for the child and your child could be clearly moving forward in just a few days. Read the story of James, a typical child who we have worked with.  I think you may find some of it resonates.

What you can expect from Easyread

Our mission is achieving a strong, confident base for every child’s reading and spelling. We do not think 99% success is good enough for the 1% still struggling.

We work with every parent and child to ensure a great outcome. You will be surprised by how much support you get, even in the free trial.

The key elements are:

  • Short, daily structured lessons routine online using a new, visual approach
  • Complete support from us over the phone, Skype and messaging
  • An adaptive process that adjusts to fit your child

Check the free trial is right for you

Before you take up more time on this site or set up a free trial, it makes sense to check that the system we use is probably suitable for you and your child.

So please look through the three statements below to check they fit your situation:

1. I have a child aged between 5 and 11 who is falling behind his or her potential.

2. We have tried the conventional approaches and I do not think just “doing more” is necessarily the best answer for my child. I want a system that fits my child.

3. I can devote 10-15 minutes per day to do the online lesson with my child most days.

The Easyread Process:

Your child logs onto our site for 10-15 minutes each day,

DM Reading Fighter Mission word game
to play different games,
DM Reading spotter game
which combine our reading games…
Trainertext library
and a library of books.
That leads to success for your child and less stress for you!
DM Reading research data
Check out the results that are possible when development is research-based.