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Reading Help for 6-11 Year Olds

Guessing short, easy words…

This is the big pattern we see again and again: guessing with short, easy words. If you have seen that it is good news because the cause and solution are both straightforward.

Your child is mainly relying on their sight memory of whole words. Once we switch that strategy over to routine decoding, you will find that the guessing drops away and accuracy begins to build. First with the reading and then the spelling.

Check out the Story of James to see if it resonates for you.

Online lessons, but human support

We often get parents commenting on their surprise at the level of support they have received. You will find we are interacting with you from Day 1 to check on what you are seeing and making sure you get the best outcome from the lessons.

Time to try something new…

If something is working, I am the first to say “don’t mess around with it”. But if something has not been working for months or even years, I think it makes sense to try something new.

And the big immediate benefit is that children enjoy Easyread! Really… they usually ask to do their daily lesson.

ACTION: You can see some of our child testimonials here.

Research-driven success

I am a scientist by training. Having evidence for our theories is important to me and that feeds through to the results we get.

You can have a look at the independent scientific trial the Open University did in the UK, which showed the reading age of the group using Easyread achieve 2 years of reading progress on average in just 120 sessions.

Every step of our development process is driven by the evidence we collect of effectiveness.

Can Easyread cause confusion?

People sometimes ask if Easyread will conflict with what their child is doing at school. The answer is no. We just don’t see that happening, despite thousands of children going through the system.

ACTION: Listen to some teachers discussing Easyread


We have children with a dyslexia diagnosis coming through the system all the time and they get great results too. Some have even won prizes for their reading and writing.

Never let anyone tell you that a dyslexia diagnosis means a child cannot learn to read and write well!


You can check our guarantee of success here. Nobody wastes money on Easyread. It is our duty to make sure we get it right for your child.

Free Baseline Asssessment + 10 Lessons

The first step of our process is the Baseline Assessment, which includes a detailed analysis of the causes of difficulty for your child.

Then you do ten Easyread lessons so that you can see how the system works and whether your child enjoys them.

This is all delivered free.


If you feel things are going well, you then set up a monthly subscription for as long as you feel the lessons are delivering progress and value.

The cost is similar to a local tutor. The difference is that you get the latest technology to make reading progress easy in a short daily lesson, you get coaching from us and unlimited support, your child gets prizes in the post and you get an unconditional guarantee of success.

You can see our pricing in different currencies here.

It normally takes 60-90 sessions to get the first key breakthrough with greater reading accuracy. We have had some achieve a breakthrough during the free trial! Most children do around 150 lessons.

Siblings get a 20% discount.

Holiday Discount Included: The monthly access price includes a discount for normal times away when busy, for weekend trips and summer holidays. We do not stop and start subscriptions for those breaks.

Interested? If you want to give it a go, click below:


Just get in touch to discuss any questions or worries you have. We are here to help.

David Morgan and the Easyread Support Team

Love this program! It works and is absolutely worth the money. The lessons are fun and engaging and the kids are rewarded not just with a fun lesson but with actual good quality prizes mailed to you at benchmarks in the lesson.

This isn’t the kind of program that just charges you and then allows you to forget about it. They require significant parental involvement and won’t allow you to progress in lessons until you have had a regularly scheduled phone appointment with one of the educators to make sure any barriers to success are being addressed. However, it really doesn’t take much time out of your day. They recommend no more than one 10min lesson daily. If you have a child that isn’t a natural reader or is “a guesser” as our daughter was, this program is for you. It is a worthwhile investment in your child’s academic success.

- K

I don’t feel stressed about her any more. I have a tool and it works. I have no words to express the thanks for the support the Easyread team have given me. Holly now enjoys sitting up in bed reading to herself now. This is the biggest joy to watch.

- N

My son is 8 years old and was very quickly falling being in reading. His school wasn’t concerned and kept telling us that he didn’t need extra help, he still wasn’t catching up though. He is a little over 100 lessons into the program now and is doing AMAZING!! He is not frustrated, he is catching up to his peers. My son has even started reading his bedtime story to me at night instead of the other way around. He is enjoying reading!

- B

An amazing program that helped my 6yr old gain in confidence and develop a love of reading. Before finding this program, we wondered if she might be dyslexic as she hated reading and when we finally managed to convince her to read, she would end up guessing half the words, most notably the easy ones (it, is, the etc). A friend recommended this program to us and when I read the intro, it was like they were describing our daughter.

The picture based learning worked wonders for her and only after a couple of months, we could already see a massive improvement. She’s now getting better and better and chooses to read her books rather than us having to force her. Would definitely recommend to any parent who is seeing their child struggle and wants to try something new.

- A