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Child Reviews of Easyread

Keira, now 17, completed Easyread in 2013 when she was 8 years old.

When I was in elementary school, I found school exceptionally hard. Reading was the worst thing that someone could ask me to do.  Nothing made sense when I read, and no matter what program the public school system made me do to improve my reading, nothing helped.

However, after my mom did some research, she came across your reading program and enrolled me. This was the program that changed my life.

I went from someone who could not read at all to someone who could read well, comprehend the text, and enjoy what was being taken in.

This year, I will be completing my Grade 12 and I plan to go to university for an English major afterwards. Thanks to this program, I can read and do it well.

A fellow reader,


Easyread has helped me read chapter books

Easyread has helped me read chapter books and my reading has gotten better. I love how they make reading fun. My top favorites are the Writing Lab, Character Text Training, and Fighter Mission. Thanks a lot.

– Gil, age 9

Dear David, Sarah and team,

Dear David, Sarah and team,

Thank you for all the cool gadgets. EasyRead has been great because you have been helping me. I feel great about reading. Thanks again so much for the gadgets because I love them so much and I’m going to start using them every day for what they are meant for. I love Drive Mode and I am just sad I didn’t get to try the hard level. It is very hard to say goodbye. I am going to use my new skill of reading for cool books. Thank you for everything you’ve done for me.


Dear David and Team

Dear David and Team,

Thanks for Easyread these days. Easyread has been so much fun, and I am learning to read. Thank you for my birthday message. It made me feel happy. 🙂


thank you for getting me so fore…

dear easyread thank you for getting me so fore and thank you for the helocopter i got it to day and i am all most great at it and i hop all kids that have disleseue find you gise you all are the best and thank you all so much.

Thanks for what you do

hi Easyread I wont to thank you for the birthday wish I had some great presents and I had a great birthday. and I love how much you gise are doing for me thanks to you gise I am slole getting better at reading thanks for wut you do.


She can already see an improvement in my reading

To David, I have a learning support teacher called Mrs Read who has been trying to help me read – isn’t that funny that her name is read too! Mrs Read has told me that she can already see an improvement in my reading – I told her it was because I now do EasyRead. From Cora

10 out of 10

You might just think Easyread is just a program but it really helps. I enjoyed the games, its was fun. I was really bad at reading but as soon as I started Easyread, my reading was better and I understood the story much better. Out of 10 I would give this program a definite 10. Thank you for helping me

I love Easyread

I have a message for you from Máté which he asked me to transmit this morning after his lesson:
“I love Easyread!”. 🙂 …not a very elaborate one, but absolutely sincere. To be honest, with each lesson, I keep wishing you guys were here to see how much he does indeed love doing this project.
