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Parent Reviews of Easyread

Our most recent reviews:

Easyread has given her a lot of confidence.

As Lilihannah has finished all the books on the last shelf we are thinking it is now time to cancel her subscription. It has helped her loads and I will continue with them using real life books and a colour overlay. I don’t think that she would be at the level she is now without Easyread help.

Thank you all for all the help and support during Lilihannah’s time with you, Lilihannah feels sad that the lessons are to end as she really enjoyed them even when she found them hard.

Easyread has given her a lot of confidence in her reading abilities and not to be afraid if she gets it wrong. Wishing you all the best for the future and once again: Thank you.

Oscar received a merit award at school last week!

Thank you so much for helping us on this amazing journey. We have both learnt so much about reading and how the brain works. Oscar has enjoyed all the games, especially Mole Wacker.

Oscar received a merit award at school last week for his enthusiasm in reading groups and using expression when reading aloud. I was so proud of him!!!

We are ready to move on to a new program to help with him mathematics now and we just want to say a big THANK YOU for everything.

Chase is now reading wonderfully—and enjoying it.

Our son has come leaps and bounds since starting the program. He is now reading chapter books at a 3rd grade level, his spelling is getting better, his writing is getting better and most importantly for us-there are no more tears!

It has been truly amazing and we cannot thank this program enough.  It made it fun for him and everything took off from there.

I have recommended you to many people

We have been very impressed with the easy read system and I have recommended many people to try you guys out.
The program has helped Freya immensely and we feel that she is now at a point where we no longer need to continue.
Many thanks for putting such a great program together.

  • C

Reading her own books before bed

Greta has enjoyed the reading program very much. It has opened up her interest in a wide variety of reading topics that she might not have gotten exposure to at this grade level. Some of the insights that she has secondarily absorbed from the program\’s books has been heartwarming to observe, too. She has been reading chapter books for the past 6 months or so and enjoying the independence of reading her own books before bed, too.The prizes along the way were big motivators and she continues to treasure them. She had some difficulty in the first few days flying the helicopter but it\’s been lovely to see her fine motor control of the aircraft develop so quickly and she\’s quite ace at it now.

  • C

A note from her English teacher…

Caught up with her class

I wanted to send an email to say thank you so much for easy read. Our daughter Hailey has gone from hating reading and struggling guessing words to now being caught up with her class and reading for fun. We want to thank you for the program and all of the help it has given her.

  • K

A game changer for Sophie!

A big thanks to David, the support team for developing and running the Easy Read Programme. This has been a game changer for Sophie, we are so proud of her achievements and for sticking to this programme. The fun interactive aspect with cool rewards turning up in the mail box were a key reason for her sticking with it. Can’t wait to top it off with flying the helicopter and have a wee celebration. Thanks again

  • C

Summa Cum Laude!

My daughter graduated high school Summa Cum Laude! She learned to read with your program. She had many, many, excellent teachers, administrators, and support staff, but it was your program that made the difference!

  • J

Transformative for him

My son has done over 150 sessions and had made great progress in his reading as a result of this programme, to the point where we feel that he reads and writes fluently. Thank you as this programme has been transformative for him.

  • A

Reading is no longer a chore

It has been a fantastic system, and has made Rose jump forward hugely with her reading to the extent that it is no longer a chore, but enjoyable.
I would love you to pass my thanks on to David Morgan and your whole team for a brilliant scheme, which has been hugely beneficial,  and which is seemingly cut out for Rose (who is a visual person).  She has loved the games, particularly, for some reason, the car/gem one (less keen on the grumpy moles)!

  • N

An absolute godsend

I also wanted to share feedback that this program is an absolute godsend. Ellie is reading actual books on her own, and in her free time! She used to read Elephant & Piggie books to our dog, Waffles, but now she’s reading more advanced books on her own by choice. And she loves that her dad and big brother don’t know how to decode with the easyread characters– a spy indeed!

  • K

Immensely helped my daughter

Thank you for this course as it has immensely helped my daughter, Laiklyn, with her reading and spelling. She loved the games and decoding the letters from the characters. I am very pleased with her outcome to retrain her brain. I have definitely seen an improvement with her spelling each week she is given a list of new words to work on, the spelling seems to come easier for her.

  • J

A brilliant scheme

It has been a fantastic system, and has made Rose jump forward hugely with her reading to the extent that it is no longer a chore, but enjoyable.
I would love you to pass my thanks on to David Morgan and your whole team for a brilliant scheme, which has been hugely beneficial,  and which is seemingly cut out for Rose (who is a visual person).  She has loved the games, particularly, for some reason, the car/gem one (less keen on the grumpy moles)!

  • N

Now “exceeding expectations” in reading

I want to let you know that we received Leo’s Y4 report last week and we were bowled over to see that he’s now “exceeding expectations” in reading. This is simply amazing, he’s gone from really struggling and being very behind his peers, to being a fluent, capable reader and that’s thanks to the work he and I put in to Easyread. Thank you so much for your part in this.

  • D

Retrained her brain!

Thank you for this course as it has immensely helped my daughter, Laiklyn, with her reading and spelling. She loved the games and decoding the letters from the characters. I am very pleased with her outcome to retrain her brain. I have definitely seen an improvement with her spelling each week she is given a list of new words to work on, the spelling seems to come easier for her.

  • J

Amazed at how well he read

I recently hired a tutor, who is also a special education teacher, and she was amazed at how well he read. She opened the book, and the only assistance was flipping the page for him. He read every word fluently and she said she would put him at end of first grade level. She knows he is doing this program and says she is quite impressed since in October he wasn\’t reading but a few sight words.

– L, parent of N who has Down Syndrome


We have both noticed a big improvement in Judy’s reading ability since commencing on this program. My brother, Wayne, is delighted with how well she is going. He said that her spelling has also improved too, esp thanks to the Jungle Juggle game, which she loves.

– C

Decoding is the magic habit!

She was just diagnosed with Phonological Awareness (non awareness???). I’m probably not saying that correctly. Anyway, I believe Easy Read has already helped her tremendously. A 3rd grader, she is reading at grade 1.5, but she is improving more quickly now than she did earlier in the school year.
Last night she read a library book to me and sounded out every word except 2. Decoding is the magic habit! Thank you for this program.

– J

He can access the world…

Thanks so much. Dejan has loved the easy read programme and we will be eternally grateful for your help in unlocking his reading so he can access the world!. All our very best for the future to the team.

– A

Especially blessed to have Easyread…

We want to thank the Easy Read team for all of your support. Micah and I have discussed it, and we both feel that after completing his 200th lesson he is ready to end his time with Easy Read. I have appreciated the progress that I have seen in Micah’s reading and spelling. He reads on his own every chance he gets, and he has become quite a creative writer. Micah really enjoyed learning through games, and he never complained when it was time for his lesson. We were especially blessed to be able to have Easy Read when in person learning at school was not possible. We hope that you can keep moving forward and help others as well

– L

Maya is now more confident…

Hello, we would like to say a huge thank you for making Maya’s reading experience so much more positive and also for helping us to work through our frustrations and struggles. Maya is now more confident to work through some difficulties without meltdowns and we are very grateful for all your help and guidance.

– Z

We have seen SO much improvement…

Laine (and we) are excited to be in the homestretch for the Easyread program! We have seen SO much improvement from 10 months ago and feel the program has set Laine up for the best possible success in her reading journey.

– K

Thank you to all the Easyread team for all your help and teaching with Emma…

Thank you to all the Easyread team for all your help and teaching with Emma. The course has really helped her reading and now it is time for her to move on. So we do not need further lessons but it has been helpful.

Especially a huge thank you as so much of the time has been during these difficult years where we were disrupted with covid lockdowns and home schooling. But we made it to the end and Emma is definitely looking forward to getting her helicopter.

So thank you all again and kind regards

– R

He’s reading very well…

He’s reading very well. His 2nd grade teacher said he’s at the top of his class as a reader.

– M
