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Reading Help for 6-11 Year Olds

Great. I am glad you are in the right zone for what we can provide.

My own struggles

I see a bit of myself in each of the children starting on Easyread, because I found reading very hard. That is probably why I love what we do and why we are determined to get the right outcome for each child we help.

Then I saw some of my children struggling too. So I know how it feels as a parent. I felt a bit lost and helpless, because back then I had little idea how to help them.

Finding the solutions needed

In 2008 I started to build up a small team to work on this issue and since then our research has mapped out the nine main possible causes of reading difficulty.

And we have developed solutions to each of them, while helping thousands of children to overcome their frustration, along the way. You can see our growing log of parent reviews from those years. There are literally thousands and thousands.

ACTION: Print our nine causes of reading difficulty checklist to see if any have similar patterns to what you have seen with your child.

What most parents don’t know

First, well done for being here! You go straight to the top half of the class of parents.

What people also don’t realise is that most of the children who struggle to read at the age of seven never go on to crack it. That is right, most children who cannot read at seven leave school still unable to read with accuracy.

So if you have a child struggling at seven, it’s serious. They need help. There are almost no “late bloomers” with reading. There are just children who need the right support and need it right now.

ACTION: Take a moment to read the sort of comments people make when they have finished the Easyread System with their child.

The secret dyslexia “tax”

The research shows that the cost to these children in lost income is often $1,600,000 or more, during their working lifetime. I think for all of us that’s a lot of money! It’s the sort of money that changes your life.

It will also have a huge impact on how much a child needs to draw on the Bank of Mum and Dad over the years.

Time to try something new…

If something is working, I am the first to say “don’t mess around with it”. But if something has not been working for months or even years, I think it makes sense to try something new. The advice “just do more reading” really doesn’t add up, if you are not seeing significant progress.

And the big immediate benefit is that children enjoy Easyread! Really… they often ask to do their daily lesson. You can see some of our child testimonials here.

Research-driven success

Check out the independent scientific trial the Open University did in the UK, which showed the reading age of the group using Easyread gaining 2 years of reading progress in just 120 sessions.

Every step of our development is driven by the evidence we collect of effectiveness. We apply no theory to our solutions without seeing evidence of it working for the learner. I am an engineer and I like to have confidence in my bridges!

Guessing short, easy words…

This is the big pattern we see again and again: guessing with short, easy words. If you have seen that it is good news because the cause and solution are both straightforward. Your child is mainly relying on sight memory of the whole word. Once we switch that over to routine guessing, you will find that the guessing drops away and accuracy begins to build.

Check out the Story of James to see if it resonates for you.

You can dive deeper into the other patterns we routinely see on our 9 Causes of Reading Difficulty page.

Conflicts and/or confusion

People sometimes ask if Easyread will conflict with what they are doing at school. The answer is no. We just don’t see that and 90% of the children doing Easyread are at school.

The results you will see on Easyread are so much quicker than with conventional approaches, that it becomes irrelevant anyhow in a matter of days or weeks. The question then become what will conflict with that success.

ACTION: Listen to some teachers discussing Easyread


We have children with a dyslexia diagnosis coming through the system all the time and they get great results. Some have even won prizes for their writing.

Never let anyone tell you that being dyslexic means you cannot learn to read and write.


Step 1: Free Baseline Asssessment + 10 Lessons

The first step of our process is the Baseline Assessment, which includes a detailed analysis of the causes of difficulty for your child plus ten Easyread lessons.

Baseline Assessment + 10 Lessons = Free

Step 2: Main System

If you are pleased by how the lessons are going for your child, you can then set up a monthly subscription.

Check the cost of a subscription in your local currency here.

It normally takes 60-90 sessions to get the key breakthrough with greater accuracy. From that point we are working on building the reading fluency and helping with the spelling accuracy.

Siblings get a 20% discount.

These prices include a discount for normal times away when busy, for weekend trips and even summer holidays. We do not stop and start subscriptions for those breaks.

ACTION: Compare Easyread with your other alternatives, like Lindamood Bell (cost ~$10,000), dyslexia school (cost ~$30,000/annum) or doing nothing (~$1.6 million).

If you want to give our free Baseline Assessment and first ten lessons a go, free of charge, click below:


Just get in touch to discuss any questions or worries you have. We are here to help.

David Morgan and the Easyread Support Team

The Easyread Process:

Your child logs onto our site for 10-15 minutes each day,

DM Reading Fighter Mission word game
to play different games,
DM Reading spotter game
which combine our Trainertext method
Trainertext library
and a library of books.
That leads to success for your child and less stress for you!
DM Reading research data
Check out the results that are possible when development is research-based.