Jan 19, 2011 | Parent Reviews
Just thought you might like to hear teacher’s note this evening in H’s reading book:- “18.1.11 – Lovely reading. H has come on so much in recent weeks. Everything is clicking together well – excellent! Words – WOW * 10 new...
Jan 19, 2011 | Parent Reviews
just a note to let you know that we are very happy with easy read. Any problems we are having is down to us and our inability to perform easy read as often as we should. With that said we are already seeing an improvement in Conor’s reading he has moved up a...
Jan 18, 2011 | DM News Blog
We make contact with a lot of our customers through Google. So when Google offered to improve how we did that, it was an easy decision to say yes. There was a series of prizes attached to the training for “good students”. And we won one of the five...
Jan 17, 2011 | Parent Reviews
Erica excited to be on another level of easyread,she is becoming more confident in her reading and language, spelling is also improving,thanks to this program. – Sheila
Jan 17, 2011 | Parent Reviews
Finn has noticeably raised confidence and self belief and is now decoding words well. He was very perturbed by decoding the three little pigs using the icons only. He has managed to overcome his initial resistance by persevering and now has made positive progress. He...