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Dyslexia not linked to IQ

Dyslexia not linked to IQ

DM News Blog Latest news in literacy, child development, and all things DM Ed Get a 10-Lesson Easyread TrialRead Our Backstory...Archives October 2022 June 2022 May 2022 April 2022 March 2022 December 2021 November 2021 October 2021 September 2021 August 2021 July...

Now he attempts to read everything!

We are really sad to be stepping away from the programme, as it has been a brilliant, supportive resource available to us every day for the last few months. When we started, Leo really struggled to read, and had no ability to decode at all. He failed the year one...

She has almost stopped guessing!

The course is excellent and we have seen an improvement in Lily’s reading already. She has almost stopped guessing and is de-coding both with Easyread and her school books. She is still quite to happy to do the lesson every day. I think it’s great that you...

Major breakthrough… on day 3!

I must say, this is a major breakthrough for us. I watched him in disbelief as he tries to put together words, i see that he is less frustrated and he is enjoying every step of the way, and he is looking forward to Day 3. He managed to spell words such as...