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Famous Fridays – Benjamin Zephaniah

“The way I write, the way I see the world, is part and parcel of my dyslexia…” These are the words of Benjamin Zephaniah, who alongside being a hugely successful novelist and playwright, is one of Britain’s most celebrated poets. Try as you might you will struggle to...

It is great to feel there is someone on my side…

We got Thomas’ mid year report last week, and he passed all subjects which is great. His teacher notes a significant improvement in both his reading and his spelling, which is very encouraging. We also went to see his eye specialist, who sees a significant...

Building Your Child’s Self Control

I want to share a great little article on this: The key to what she is saying is that self-control is an activity, not a passive state. It takes effort to control yourself and it is...

Easyread has helped me learn…

Easyread has helped me learn how to decode which has helped my reading and spelling. I liked the Letterquest game the best, and also enjoyed Pinball and Fighter Mission. I like the Easyread characters (especially the farting egg) and have managed to do it most days...