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A much greater sense of pride again. Yay!…

Using the patch on his lazy eye, as the Behavioural Optometrist suggested, is making such a difference to Cameron’s lessons! He seems to be reading more easily, is less likely to guess and has got a much greater sense of pride again. Yay! In other news, his...

Above all she is still enjoying it…

Just a little feedback on Hiral and how she is progressing. I feel that she is doing well. She is still struggling (or rather being lazy!) about the decoding at times. We try and repeat the lines twice until she is fluent with them. She finds the Letter quest game a...

I loved being a spy…

I have enjoyed Easyread a lot. It was fun and the decoding helped me. My favourite game was Letterquest (hard level), even though I never got to the end. The monster always got me!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you for all my prizes, I loved being a spy. –...

Thank you for everything

I have been with the Easyread system for nearly 9 months now and would like to thank you for all you have done for my son in helping him with his reading. He has come on leaps and bounds with his reading but far more importantly his confidence has soared as well. The...