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Progress has been going well and…

Progress has been going well and we are very pleased with the way that it has encouraged Anne to attempt more reading generally. Reading signs, Menu’s and everyday information which is really encouraging. Easyread has certainly been a great motivation for Anne...

Henry is reading so much better these days…

Henry is reading so much better these days, with confidence and fluency. What a difference! He continues to guess sometimes, so I remind him to decode and then he does fine. When we are sitting in a restaurant, I’ll play a game with him based on the Easyread...

Mary Ann's amazing results

Mary Ann recently finished the Easyread course. I wanted to send you an update on her progress now that she is done with the course. We’ve just started some fourth grade homework assignments, and the difference between this time last year and now is...

Charley Boorman talking about tough times as a child

Along with so many other gifted children, Charley Boorman struggled with literacy as a child. He gives a chat from the heart here about how hard it is living with dyslexia when nobody around you understands what you are going through:...