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It does feel like something has suddenly clicked

I feel like we have suddenly had a bit of progress with reading outside of Easyread as Lennie has started to read to his sister and is seeming much more confident. The school also did some work with him on rhymes and he seems to have got that a bit better now. It does...

Book Recommendations: Primary/Elementary Readers

Blog The latest news in literacy, child development, and all things Easyread View all posts Book Recommendations: Primary/Elementary Readers by Laura Gordon || 23 Jan 2019 Once their children start to crack reading, parents ask us what books we recommend… it is...

One Amazing Program

I have raved to another mom with a struggling reader who pd $10,000 to fix it and still is struggling. I told her to add this to the lesson plan. I told her to try the free lessons and see how it goes. I really think this is one amazing program. I am also going to go...

Huge spelling breakthrough

QUESTION 1) In his free writing, are you seeing fewer spelling mistakes than you were before starting Easyread? ANSWER – A big YES! Not only can I see improvement in his spelling of basic words, but his attitude to write longer paragraphs on his own has...