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Timothy has begun to show signs…

Timothy has begun to show signs of progress and improvement with his reading. This is really exciting for us to watch. He read a school book Oxford reading tree level three, for the first time with all the blends e.g th, ch, st, ou. We had given the school books a...

In the last month or two we have seen…

In the last month or two we have seen a great improvement in ollie’s reading, he still lacks confidence and reads very quietly but we have noticed a huge improvement, so thank you again. – Joanna

At the time of starting Easy Read in…

At the time of starting Easy Read in mid September 2010, Sebastian could not really read much and his reading age was 6years and 6months. After 1 month of doing easy read, his reading age improved by 1 year, to 7years and 6 months. He has just now been evaluated at...