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She is now happily reading chapter books…

As we discussed at last call, Freya has achieved all that she needs to from this program. It has been fabulous, she is now happily reading chapter books with fluency and accuracy and a good pace. More importantly she is enjoying reading. Thank-you. We have loved every...

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

I just wanted to take a moment to thank everyone at Easyread for your support over the last 2 years and this amazing program. It has made readers out of my boys, both my dyslexic and my non-dyslexic kiddo. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I literally don’t know...

Things have been moving along well…

Things have been moving along well. Adie completed her tracking exercises and she no longer yawns during her lessons! She has seemed to read faster too, which may or may not be my imagination. 🙂 I am still super excited she volunteered to read aloud in church the...