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FINALLY – after a year of struggling…

TODAY I went to our public library and picked up a few simple books for Giuliana. She hasn’t read anything on her own – ever. When I broug them home, I gave them to her and told her these are books she could probably read on her own now. She read FOUR OF...

From struggling to fluently reading…

The biggest success for us in regard to Easyread is that Anaru has enjoyed it. The games have been a huge part of this, but also the trainer text characters are engaging and interesting, and funny. This made a big difference for Anaru, as instead of struggling and...

I celebrate this as a huge hurdle that has been overcome!

We are very happy with the progress he has made this far and the increase in his willingness to read and enjoy it. For the first time he just completed a whole chpter bok and we have now bought him the whole series. I celebrate this as a huge hurdle that has been...

He picked up a book on his own accord…

Just last week he picked up a book, Wings of Fire, and read several pages. He needed help on some words, but did an excellent job. We did not prompt him to do this. He picked up the book on his own accord (out of the blue) and started reading aloud. It is a book well...