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Already seeing a change at lesson 40

A sat a STAR test at school yesterday (tests reading, vocabulary and comprehension). The test is out of 9, 5 is the average and at the start of the year he got 3. In yesterday’s test (which is for the next grade up, for some reason) he got a 5! The teacher was...

This program has made a WORLD of difference

This program has made a world of difference in [D’s] reading! He has transitioned from such a painfully struggling reader to a confident and fairly accurate reader. He still struggles with spelling and writing, but now we have a foundation on which to continue...

Build Your Child’s Vocab through Bedtime Stories

Here at Easyread, we are often posed the question “Should I still be reading to my child whilst they are doing the programme?” Our response? “Yes, it’s great if you can.” We are all for continuing to read to your child whilst they are doing...