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Rosa's reading is still coming along really well…

Rosa’s reading is still coming along really well. In her last message to you, Rosa told you that she was on Purple level and hoping to get to Gold level. She has now flown through Gold Level very quickly and is reading White Level books very easily. She loves...

It has exceeded my expectations…

Overall I am pleased with the first 6 weeks of the Easyread course. It has exceeded my expectations. Despite an age difference of more than 4 years, my 2 children are excited to discuss the program with each other. They are great at reviewing the characters together...

Easyread is an incredible programme…

Easyread is an incredible programme. It was lots of hard work but, wow, the transformation in Sam. It is not just his reading that improved. He is a happier, little boy. He is the youngest of his year, but he no longer struggles in his peer group. Every morning, Sam...

We are pleased with Alex's progress…

We are pleased with Alex’s progress. Although he doesn’t choose to read for pleasure his reading has improved enormously. He can read his school worksheets rather than having to have them read to him which was exactly the target I wanted to achieve for...