Jul 28, 2011 | Parent Reviews
Chloe’s school report was better then expected and she gained a 4 in all subjects, which she was not in line to do this time last year, the teachers also commented on a big improvmnet to her work and attitude towards learning. I put most of this down to this... Jul 28, 2011 | Parent Reviews
My son started Easyread when he was 8 and didn’t really have any discernable reading age he stuck with the Easyread programme and it embedded in him a long term strategy of not guessing that still supports his literacy today some 18 months after finishing the... Jul 28, 2011 | Parent Reviews
This term Max was in “Gold Level” which is for those children who act as an example to others by helping and working hard, listening and so on. He is also in the second best reading group in his class, he’s now reading books for pleasure and you can... Jul 26, 2011 | Parent Reviews
I am writing this on behalf of Isaac. I should like to congratulate the team on the course that he has just finished. He is now showing increased confidence in his reading and will now attempt to sound out a new word that he has not met before. Isaac enjoyed the... Jul 26, 2011 | Parent Reviews
The promise of the helicopter prize is right up Rose’s street, and I think all this is so positive for her. Today she told me she’d sneaked into my room and taken a pile of Arthur Ransomes she wants to read. At bedtime she got out her reading frame (a card...