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Summer reading ideas

Whether your secret agent is ready to devour all the books they can get their hands on this summer holiday, or you’re looking for a book to read with your child to help nurture a love for reading as you work your way through the earlier stages of Easyread, take a look...

Self-confidence has soared

Sarah has made great strides in her reading, spelling and writing. And perhaps even more importantly than actual measurements, is the fact that her self-confidence has soared so that she is willing to take risks with writing! She even has been pleased to note her...

7 year-old Skye passes her phonics test after 60 lessons

“I have found Easy read to be really good and could see an improvement after just 30 sessions with the programme. I am sure it was the programme that helped Skye pass her phonics test recently which she failed last year. She now does not guess really easy words...

Already he's a different child…

I just wanted to drop a note to let you know the difference we are seeing in Liam already. Tonight we did his school homework which is normally a chore, however tonight we have a different child. He actively did his challenge spelling words, using your sheets he...