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Tristan is doing very well…

Tristan is doing very well – his reading has come on extremely well and he’s now reading quite confidently. In fact, he finds the Easyread lessons quite easy, so we’re doing more book reading with him too. – Martin

Just to let you know that…

Just to let you know that i am really pleased with the Easyread System so far, i have noticed Jacob’s confidence in attempting to read words change dramatically from when we first started. I am now looking forward to seeing the transition from the computer to a...

Ben is a different little boy since starting…

Ben is a different little boy since starting the Easyread course. Before Easyread Ben got upset when you picked up a book for him to read and attempting to read was stressful for both Ben and me. Now he asks to read and checks if l I have another book to read when he...

So all going well and yesterday…

So all going well and yesterday (sorry to bore you ) but we played Trivial Pursuit and what a contrast to last Dec when she couldn’t read the questions !!! So thank you it is clearly really helping her improve. – Patricia