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Thank you for everything…

Thank you so much for everything Easyread has done for Jason, without it I fear to think what his reading would be like now. It really has been a great experience, one which Jason and his parents enjoyed.

Famous Dyslexics: Former MP Lorna Fitzsimons

Former Labour MP Lorna Fitzsimons was in government for 8 years, but has been a natural campaigner for causes her whole life. This is despite only learning to read at age 13 due to her dyslexia! She grew up in Lancashire and struggled mightily in school due to her...

Forever grateful for your support

I’d like to thank you so much for Easyread!  My son has been using the system for nearly a year and has grown so very much, especially in the past 6 months.  He is now on level with reading, fluency, and spelling thanks to your system. We will be forever...

New dyslexia laws sweeping the States

There’s been a hotbed of legal activity in the last year surrounding an important educational issue: support for children with diagnosed dyslexia and related reading difficulties. The United States seems to be riding a wave of new laws that are sweeping state...