Oct 30, 2018 | Parent Reviews
First half of the process has gone really well. Her confidence is growing daily, She actually picked up a book and has started reading it herself!!!!! This is massive. – S Oct 25, 2018 | Parent Reviews
Sarah is reading with so much more confidence. She is reading the words and using the easyread code when she needs. We played heads up on the train the other day and normally we would have to whisper the words to her, she was giving the answers away because she could... Oct 22, 2018 | Parent Reviews
I would like to cancel our membership and finish up at our current month, We have been very happy with the lessons, progress and support so far and feel very happy with Billy’s progress to date, in our national assessment program NAPLAN he achieved the highest... Oct 22, 2018 | Parent Reviews
I like that there are no tears when he’s doing Easyread. He genuinely seems to be enjoying it. In the past week I see him trying to read words around the house or at the grocery store. He seems to be aware of words around him. – M Oct 19, 2018 | Parent Reviews
tom is progressing nicely. He is slowly becoming more fluent and working without the scaffolding of the trainertext some of the time. I am very happy with his progress. Cheers – P