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Factoid Friday: 60,000 kids are home-educated in the UK

It is estimated that over 60,000 children in the UK are currently home-educated. This means that there are a growing number of resources available online to support home learning. And the good news for families of young children – home-educated or not! –...

Encouraging little steps…

I have seen some progress in outside reading. He wrote a nearly accurate birthday note to a sibling last week–a first. He also has found that he can read the word cards for a game he plays with his sibs: Apples to Apples Jr. He was pleased when he realized he...

Really pleased!

I am really pleased! He is really coming along all the way around… spelling well and decoding well. His reading has already begun to pick up a little. We are very pleased and settled into a good routine as well. Thanks so much!

Reading is very good

Adam’s reading is very good and he is now getting every word correct without any guesses. Also I do believe his spelling of every day words is starting to become more consistent, it is now words that he is unfamiliar with. Hopefully these will also start to...

Yes, we are seeing improvement…

Yes, we are seeing improvement for Kai with Easyread. The monkey game in particular has become enjoyable. He told me so this morning “Mum, I actually like the monkey game now”. We like the things we are good at! I have seen a big improvement in reading the...