Jan 17, 2011 | Parent Reviews
I’m very pleased with Easyread so far. The course is well organised and the support is excellent. I have been very impressed with the response and questions via the messaging system. Ciaran is happy to do the course and is not at all resistant to doing the...
Jan 17, 2011 | Parent Reviews
Frankie is progressing well and now ‘decoding’ some quite long words, but I noticed that she struggled with pterodactyl without the easy read characters above it. She guessed at one word in the last session – apart from that she read everything...
Jan 17, 2011 | Parent Reviews
I’m so glad we’ve started Easyread because it’s positive, appropriate and motivating.Aidan is on the cusp ,I think of finding out that there is a difference between his reading ability and his peers and I am worried because there is a very poor...
Jan 17, 2011 | Parent Reviews
When I saw her teacher at parents evening last week is that her spelling/reading age has improved by a year in the last 2 months, meaning she is now at age 9 and 1 month. – Wendy
Jan 17, 2011 | Parent Reviews
Rowan received his electronic fart machine a couple of days ago. He is absolutely delighted with it, thankyou! He is now on level three and getting more confident with every lesson. Regards, Liz