ID == 26795 || $post->ID == 26795 || $post->ID == 26795) { echo ''; } ?>

I am on hard purple level wich is very hard…

I am on hard purple level wich is very hard. I can’t wait to be on gold reading level, which is hard as well and it’s one level above hard purple level. I am the best reader on my table and 2 of my friends are on white level which is 2 levels up from me....

Tara showing great signs of improvement…

Tara showing great signs of improvement, reading out words around her and very keen. We are not doing the funky monkey game now really, but usually do the game, and she is thoroughly enjoying the story. -Camilla

Dear David…

Dear David, I have enjoyed easyread and I look forward to doing it every day. I will doing easyread now that I have finished. I like getting the awards because they made you feel proud of yourself for doing it. I feel more confident about reading now. I LIKE READING...