ID == 26795 || $post->ID == 26795 || $post->ID == 26795) { echo ''; } ?>

So far, so good!…

So far, so good! Ethan is progressing well and still very motivated with the program, especially when he knows he has achieved a codeword and can expect something in the post. He is becoming more confident with his reading and we are very happy with everything to...

I wish more parents knew about Easyread…

Michael is now in grade 4 and reads at just below grade level. What’s amazing about that is that one year ago he could only read some words, not a whole sentence ever. And of course no comprehension of what he read. Through the picture symbols he has slowly...

Dyslexia Video

Here is a nicely made video about reading difficulty with a number of famous people talking about their own experiences: As you listen to it you will see lots of examples of the 7 causes of difficulty that...

We are very, very excited about Gabriel…

We are very, very excited about Gabriel. He really did most of the work — and your program made all the difference. We were just the encouragement in the background. In the beginning he learned your characters so quickly, it was really like magic. Just goes to...