May 4, 2012 | Parent Reviews
Dear David, I thought, along the way, that Easyread was really good and I’ve had lots of fun doing Easyread everyday. What I liked about it were the games and the stories. I think it has helped me really improve my reading and I am now reading the third Harry...
May 3, 2012 | Parent Reviews
I have really enjoyed the course and I think it has done a lot of good. I also think it has been very helpful especially with my writing level. At the start of this course I was a level 3b and now I am a 4a. My spelling has literally doubled in level, maybe even...
May 3, 2012 | DM News Blog
I view David Beckham as one of the greatest gifts to all parents. Here is why: 1 I defy anyone not to like him 2 He has undeniable brilliance 3 It is clear he has achieved that through practice You don’t...
May 2, 2012 | Parent Reviews
The programme is great and Ryan is improving his reading daily. – Teacher from a school in Lancashire using the system
May 1, 2012 | Parent Reviews
Max discovered that he had reached Gold today when he logged in on his own, and came running upstairs to tell me. He was very happy to achieve this and was jumping and waving his arms around to the applause. He felt that he had worked very hard to get to this and...