"…she is expressing joy in reading…"

I want to thank you guys so very much for this program and your support.  Cassidy’s reading, independent of her easyread lessons, has improved greatly.  Her attitude about reading has completely changed and she is expressing joy in reading every sign in town. ...

Dyslexia Test for Babies?

Researchers have continued their hunt for early signs of dyslexia: http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/health/2012/01/23/children-brain-changes-may-detect-dyslexia/ What they are asking is really a statement of the obvious: if a child finds auditory processing of sounds hard,...

Children’s Memory: Friends and Foes

Dear Drs. Carol and Joe Utay, I can understand my memory becoming less reliable, but not my son’s. I have to re-teach what his math teacher teaches him. He is constantly forgetting what books he needs. I know he is smart, but I am noticing his poor memory affecting...