Amazing progress in last year…

We have seen him make amazing progress with his reading in the last 12 months and he is now a much more confident and fluent reader. The speed of his improvement is increasing and he is enjoying the success he has having and so his confidence is also growing. Having...

Big improvements in spelling…

Amy is doing well with the decoding pages in the lessons and when reading regular text her decoding has improved hugely as well. She still often passes over some small words (then/when, this/his) however she does now self correct with these much more. Also we have...

Thank you for your wonderful program…

I have already noticed a huge improvement in Thomas’s spelling on a day to day basis. When we started the program it would have been easier to count the words without a mistake, whereas now he is producing written work in a timely fashion and to an acceptable...

Factoid Friday: Prisons and Illiteracy

So strong is the link between literacy and being a useful member of society that some states use grade-level reading statistics as a factor in projecting future prison construction. – Bob Chase, President, National Education Association...

She is reading for pleasure now…

Chelsea is doing great! She is reading for pleasure now. She read for 2 hours one day last week. I just had her parent – teacher conference tonight and she is reading at grade level. M.