Jun 28, 2013 | Child Reviews
I really enjoyed Easyread and all the fun games and stories. I thought the lessons were very fun and exiting. Thank you so much for the really cool prizes, I enjoy them so much! I also like the facts and poems too. – C Jun 28, 2013 | DM News Blog
Fact: Fascinating new research from a study performed at Clifton College in Bristol shows that when dyslexic students had to work harder to decode hard-to-read fonts, their test results were boosted by a fifth. Interestingly, this seems to fly in the face of a more... Jun 27, 2013 | DM News Blog
Summer is upon us here in the Northern Hemisphere, and that means beaches, barbecues, and lots of fun with our kids! It’s amazing how much you laugh when you spend time with children… As they are taking in and processing the world around them, often times... Jun 26, 2013 | Parent Reviews
Leons confidence has increased ten fold sinse starting the course, he is actively seeking out text in every day life to read now. He is also now reading his school books, and where once he just wouldnt know where to start, he can now sound many of the words out. There... Jun 25, 2013 | DM News Blog
Like most parents, you may be wondering what this Common Core Standards (CCS) thing is all about. And, of course, that is part of the problem: very few people across the country are aware of the significant change that’s been foisted upon the nation’s...