Jul 4, 2013 | Parent Reviews
Easyread has made the most incredible difference to her reading. She is now a confident reader who loves to read. Many thanks to you and all your staff… – R
Jul 4, 2013 | Parent Reviews
Many thanks Laura for your help during the Easyread course. Joe’s reading has blossomed and, more importantly, his confidence in attempting new or difficult words. He reads every day now and whereas once it was a chore…now he does it for enjoyment!...
Jul 3, 2013 | Parent Reviews
Thanks for the course. Franks reading has improved significantly. I credit this to the unique method of teaching that was presented by Easyread. Frank never protested about doing his Easyread. Each lesson was a good length. I have recommended it to many friends and...
Jul 3, 2013 | Parent Reviews
Yesterday we had a breakthrough – he got a book and read to me for twenty minutes. In the past if he had wanted a story he would have attempted the first sentence and then got cross and frustrated and asked me to read the rest. I prompted him on some of the more...
Jul 2, 2013 | Parent Reviews
Maria is having no difficulties with the course and her reading has already improved. In fact, she is now starting to enjoy reading and will sometimes take a book and start reading! – G (6 weeks into Easyread)