Sep 5, 2013 | Parent Reviews
Noah’s reading has really taken off! For the first time EVER he has asked for books for his upcoming birthday. Of course they are all about his favourite subjects – Star Wars, Raiders of the Lost Ark, and Angry Birds! But that is okay with us. He’s...
Sep 4, 2013 | DM News Blog
John Britten (1950-1995) was a New Zealander mechanical engineer who invented the fastest motorcycle in the world. From a young age, he struggled with dyslexia and school was more difficulty because of that. He often had both a reader for questions and a scribe for...
Sep 4, 2013 | Child Reviews
Dear David, Thank you for your message. I feel very proud of myself and thank you for teaching me all I need to know for my reading. Best wishes, Agent S (age 5)
Sep 3, 2013 | DM News Blog
Sometimes, no matter what great books we try to coax children into reading, they just can’t get through a chapter book. Struggling readers can be overwhelmed by the length of longer reading selections, and they need materials that can be completed in one...
Sep 2, 2013 | Parent Reviews
I am very pleased that Aiden has finished the course. It can still be a struggle to get him reading as he still doesn’t believe that he can. Nevertheless I am amazed at the difference from this time last year. I would highly recommend the system and if anyone...