ID == 26795 || $post->ID == 26795 || $post->ID == 26795) { echo ''; } ?>

Long may it continue!

Hi there I just wanted to share with you that Natalie is making some real progress and tonight as well as Easyread she insisted on finishing her school reading book (which had 22 pages!) to herself. She seemed to be really enjoying it and made some great attempts at...

We could not be more pleased with Easyread…

We could not be more pleased with Easyread. We have seen Brody’s confidence grow in leaps and bounds. He used to cry when it was time to read, and now he reminds me that he needs to do his Easyread. He absolutely loves getting prizes in the mail. It has really...

Funny to learn…

Hello David, I liked the course because there were lots of games and the Easyread characters are funny to learn. – G