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Never complains…

Tori never complains about doing Easyread, which is a huge relief as we had spent many years struggling through traditional school reading after school. Tori’s reading has increased in confidence and fluency within the Easyread set up and it’s great that...

Factoid Friday: What’s wrong with “W” sitting

An article written by an experienced chiropractor has outlined why “W” sitting is something we should be discouraging in our children. Confused about what “W” sitting is? Here’s a visual cue: She goes on to explain that there are postural...

The Eyes Hear for the Ears

Scientists at the University of Utah have discovered that the eyes influence what the brain hears. The scientists did an experiment with epilepsy patients where they actually measured brain activity when the subject was presented with an image and a sound at the same...

On the homestretch…

Just a note say Matthew is on the homestretch to finishing Easyread. I asked him at the weekend what he thinks has helped him find reading easier and he said the Easyread System! Thanks so much. – T