Nov 29, 2013 | DM News Blog
Jovan Haye is a NFL football player who was drafted right out of university into the Carolina Panthers. He has recently published a book about the challenges of his upbringing, including his severe dyslexia. Haye was born in Jamaica and raised in Florida, where his... Nov 29, 2013 | Parent Reviews
Eliot is doing fine with Easyread. He has never found it particularly difficult, which has helped! He finds the reward system a great incentive (great that the rewards came thick and fast at the beginning). He is motivated to finish the course with his eyes fixed on... Nov 29, 2013 | Parent Reviews
Generally Tom’s reading is getting stronger and he is having extra literacy lessons at school to help with his general work. I am confident that with all this he will be in the best possible position to move up to secondary school next summer! –... Nov 29, 2013 | Parent Reviews
Finn has been making good headway over the last few weeks and I’m very impressed with his efforts. Thanks! – H Nov 27, 2013 | DM News Blog
Reyn Guyr (1935-present) is the American toy inventor responsible for international hit games such as Twister and NERF ball. As a child, Guyr had undiagnosed dyslexia and struggled for years to master basic reading and spelling. He found out about his dyslexia only...