May 16, 2014 | DM News Blog
Fact: Recent fMRI research shows that using your hands helps trigger stronger memory for learning. When people write things, they remember them for a longer period of time. This has some interesting implications for children with reading and spelling difficulties. We...
May 12, 2014 | Child Reviews, Parent Reviews
I have found easyread quite easy. I am happy i have got to gold, because it’s a good achievement my spellings at school seem to improved too. I thank my mum for sitting with me for the whole time i was doing this. Charlie
May 12, 2014 | Parent Reviews
Just wanted to let you know that Craig has taken a leap in his reading this week. He’s been doing the nonsense words instead of jungle juggle and has gradually progressed to where he is finding the short words very easy – the long words are much harder but...
May 12, 2014 | Parent Reviews
We enjoyed the program immensely and are constantly recommending it to others–it has changed Quinley’s life completely. As I write this, Quinley is reading aloud from a Junior Great Books reader for the third grade–a folk tale that is in rather small...
May 9, 2014 | Parent Reviews
Jackie Stewart is a Scottish former Formula One racecar driver nicknamed “the Flying Scot”. He won three World Drivers’ Championships, and has been ranked in the top five of the greatest Formula One drivers of all time. And he has severe dyslexia....