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Big leap forward

He was finding the story harder but it seems to have evened out now and he says he doesn’t find it harder. We still get him guessing from time to time but he is starting to want to read stuff now! This is a big leap forward.

Just had to share!

Folks, Just had to share this as it happened after my last phone call with Sarah. While doing her school reading books today and yesterday Amalie successfully decoded the following words: navigate communicate cackled adoringly corrected carnivore It was tentative but...

End of School Worries?

For parents of schoolchildren in the northern hemisphere, May and June can be nail-biting months. As the school year comes to an end, parents with struggling learners can be catapulted into worries about how their child will cope with the demands of the next year with...

Thanks for helping me

Hi David, I am very excited to be starting level 4. I thank you for helping me have more confidence in reading. I want to continue to improve my spelling of words. I hope I can get to do some more of this in the new level. From Nathan

More confidence

Sarah – Thus far, we have been very pleased with the Easyread system. Garrett is progressing nicely, and seems more confident than he was after the same length of time with other approaches we have tried. Our biggest fear comes in that he won’t be able to...