Couldn't ask for more!

Both kids are reading in everyday life, not only books but also on computers, recipes, signs and all sorts of other things. And their spelling is improving little by little. So, while we haven’t finished the full course, it has achieved exactly what we set out...

Reading for pure pleasure now…

Craig passed his level 7 reading assessment today and he was just so delighted!!! We had been doing easy level of Word Mash because he hates it so much, but flushed with his amazing success I persuaded him to do hard level and the got 5/5 and an average time of 2.7!!!...

All thanks to your programme!

Kaia has certainly made improvements with her spelling – thank-you. She still doesn’t find writing easy – it’s not something that she really wants to do, but she is quite a reader now!! All thanks to your programme. In fact a couple of months...

Showing significant improvement

Good morning, dear Easyread support team, We would like to thank you for the level of support received so far and for the system itself. We believe it is very effective and Alisha showed a significant improvement in her reading skills and level. She moved from level...

500 page books now!

Andrew continues to make amazing progress with reading – he’s now onto some really big 500 page books and is getting through them within two weeks. I cannot say how grateful we are!