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Can you strengthen weak memory?

Short-term memory difficulty is one of the 8 main causes of reading difficulty, and there’s no question that it can hold a child back in developing literacy. (The good news is, Easyread can help through the Trainertext method, which reduces cognitive load on the...

I'd recommend it to anyone

We are going to cancel Easyread for now and try and focus on finding reading material he enjoys.  He has improved so much and is so much more confident now.  We will be in touch again soon when little brother (4) starts reading!  I would recommend the program to...

Learning support teacher at school very impressed

I think you have a great program and the only one that I have seen like it. It is great for visual learners. The learning support teacher at school is also very impressed. The code words and the prizes really made it fun and exciting and really motivated him.

Restoring my faith that he will read!

N is positive about the programme and we have seen his confidence grow as he becomes more familiar with the characters. He has been amazed by the words he has been able to read with the character support. N has battled through so many programmes over the years but...

He is now reading fluently!

I would like to thank you very much for your help with R’s reading – I am pleased to say that he is now reading fluently and more importantly, enjoying books and understanding what he sees written around him.