Jul 5, 2016 | Parent Reviews
A message from 10 year-old...
Jul 5, 2016 | Parent Reviews
What a wonderful message to receive from 8 year-old Corin’s mum. Corin is about a month away from finishing the main part of the course: “Just thought I’d give you a bit of an update… Easyread is ticking along nicely, I would say. Corin is...
Jul 4, 2016 | Parent Reviews
Amazing progress for 10 yo Elissa, and at lesson 65! “Thanks for the update. Elissa’s reading has improved already. I received her school report last week and was surprised when her English teacher wrote that her reading has improved. She is reading more...
Jul 1, 2016 | DM News Blog
Some may argue that technology corrupts the traditional method of teaching. However, perhaps we can view it as an innovative way of engaging children that struggle in a classroom setting. Those that cannot keep up with the work, can get intimidated by the...