Sep 30, 2016 | Parent Reviews
“Just as I had predicted, Easyread helped Jacob to become an excellent reader. I think at this point, we will no longer use Oxford Learning Solutions, simply because-Jacob is amazing and reading! Seriously, crushing it-thanks to Easyread. He just finished... Sep 29, 2016 | Parent Reviews
Frankie is an incredibly visual learner and this method gives her a fun and tangible image to associate with each sound. She likes that and it is working very well. Frankie very much looks forward to her time doing Easyread. She finds the lessons enjoyable, fun, and... Sep 21, 2016 | Parent Reviews
“So far things are all good from this end. We’re seeing more confidence in trying to read both within Easyread program and any reading outside the program. Jade [11] also has no qualms to start on her daily Easyread lessons. She is also very content with... Sep 19, 2016 | Parent Reviews
The initial words and work seemed almost too easy to me in the beginning. However, I understand the point to it in building confidence. Charlie’s attitude towards reading is beginning to change and this has made me the happiest in the initial trial. All we have... Sep 19, 2016 | Parent Reviews
Noah does find the reading text easier now than the decoding, this is certainly true for this sister Nevaeh. Noah has not yet developed fluently of reading as of yet but we are working hard to develop those skills by using all the suggestions you are giving us. He...