Jul 18, 2018 | Parent Reviews
These last 48 lessons have made a tremendous improvement. When we first started easyread because Ambers teacher had expressed concern that she was loosing confidence at school. She is obviously bright and could see all the other kids able to read and she was not able...
Jul 18, 2018 | Parent Reviews
We just finished Gunner’s second lesson and he has a smile on his face and said “This is fun”! No tears. I have hope, thank you so much! – D
Jul 17, 2018 | DM Case Studies
Case Studies View All Case Studies Lincoln: severely dyslexic, low on confidence and self-esteem 1. What was reading like for Lincoln before? His reading was extremely slow and problematic. As a grade 4 student he was working at grade 1-2 standard. Despite employing...
Jul 17, 2018 | Parent Reviews
There has been a huge improvement in Harry’s reading and general ‘give-a-go’ attitude. At lesson 90 I was slightly concerned that he was still trying to guess some words but I have to say that now as we have hit lesson 100 there has been a huge leap...
Jul 16, 2018 | Parent Reviews
Firstly I just want to thank you as this program has been fabulous. My daughter is 6 and is now reading above grade level. It is great because she has Irlen and dyslexia and I have no doubts her success is down to this program. The reason I want to stop the program is...