Jul 30, 2019 | Parent Reviews
Out of nowhere, it has become a battle to get Harriet to do her lessons. On the flip side….she has become addicted to reading her book series, so for us the program has been a success. My husband and I never wanted the pressures of reading to become a chore to... Jul 26, 2019 | Parent Reviews
We are already seeing such a change in her everyday reading – she is wanting to read, she is decoding, her fluency and accuracy have improved dramatically and she is realising when it is not correct and re-reading. I can’t wait to see what happens as we... Jul 26, 2019 | Parent Reviews
We have really enjoyed the programme and Monty is very proud to have completed it all. Thanks for the offer of continuing at half-price, but he’s too busy reading actual books now, which is fantastic. So, we would like cancel the ongoing subscription. We are... Jul 23, 2019 | Parent Reviews
The program has been fantastic for Angus. He has made great progress with his spelling which is the reason we chose to do the program but his reading fluency has also improved significantly. We are really happy with the progress he has made so far. We would like to...
Jul 22, 2019 | DM Case Studies
Case Studies View All Case Studies Anessa: memorising books and struggling with spelling The Backstory In the first few years of school Anessa found reading ‘easy’ but as we learned she has a fabulous memory and could memorise poems and short stories. In...