Oct 31, 2020 | Parent Reviews
QUESTION 2) Could you tell us a few things that you have liked about the course so far? 1. it is fun and Ryan enjoys the lessons 2. it is easy to be consistent, the length of the lessons are not too long 3. we have seen remarkable results – I love how it... Oct 31, 2020 | Parent Reviews
We have so enjoyed our “computer work” (as we call it)! Easyread has been a Godsend and a delight! We have been so impressed by the system and all of the things that it covers!Fiona is excelling and we would like for this month to be her last in the... Oct 30, 2020 | Parent Reviews
Rueben has done so well and we are so pleased with his progress, the teacher at school said he is flying through the reading books at school and making great progress. This a brilliant way to teach reading and who knows we may back with our next son when he hits that... Oct 28, 2020 | Parent Reviews
We are very happy – we spent 6 months in lockdown and in that time my son has learned how to read thanks to Easyread! –... Oct 27, 2020 | Parent Reviews
I thank you once again for the wonderful program. it really saved both our lives and has resulted in a kid that loves to read! Hannah has made so much progress and I really attribute a lot of her new joy for books to your team. – M