ID == 26795 || $post->ID == 26795 || $post->ID == 26795) { echo ''; } ?>

He will be sad to finish this course…

He will be sad to finish this course and in less than a year, and during lockdown, his reading age as assessed by school will have moved from 6 years 11 months to 10 years 4 months (assessed in March).

Thank you! Dylan has very much enjoyed the course…

Thank you! Dylan has very much enjoyed the course and his reading his progressed very well. We have seen a big improvement in his reading. His favorite part was the Letter Quest game. Thank you so much – Easyread is a remarkable program. It has taught Dylan not...

His reading has improved so much!

His reading has improved so much! He is doing much better with shorter words and seems to be enjoying his reading too. I caught him in his bed after lights out time with his bed side light on reading a new Star Wars book a few nights ago. He is ASKING to read!! YES...